Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The gorgeous and down-to-earth doctorsquared came to visit me this past weekend. We had a great time catching up, considering it has been 4.5 long years since we last saw each other. For a good rundown of our activities minus the pillowfights and making out in our underwear, go here. She provided an excellent explanation for our obsession with blogs, which may have begun in college. We went to Wellesley College, where our e-mail client was embedded with electronic bulletin boards. These forums added so much to the community, we even had a "community bulletin", which most people (students and professors) checked daily. These forums covered every topic related to campus life from student organization boards to teacher/class recommendation boards to boards about food and sex. I even vaguely remember a "Who's your Daddy" bulletin that was limited to the first floor residents of my first year dorm.

I have yet to encounter another college that had a similar system (that was so widely used across campus). I miss it! and I definitely think that reading blogs helps alleviate some of that nostalgia...but not quite.


cara said...

Check community daily? Try every time I opened my email and saw the little red flags! Blogs are a poor substitute for the marvel that was First Class....

Unknown said...

Wow, I've almost forgotten about Community. I loved that and the Sex one too. ahha. Memories...good thing we have reunion coming up!