Friday, March 23, 2007

Exhausted and Lazy

After a morning full of meetings, I am tired and apathetic. Okay, I admit I am mostly tired from staying up late to watch Ninja Warrior on G4 and online Ugly Betty episodes. Luckily, I didn't give up slothfulness for Lent, because lately I have been nothing but. Examples:
1) I set my alarm clock for 7:00 am and snooze for 1-1.5 hours EVERYDAY!
2) After waking up, I'll take 1-1.5 hours just to putter around in the morning before heading out.
3) After 3:00 pm I feel like my brain is fried and either fall asleep or think about going home until I do.
4) I leave my dirty dishes in the sink for a week (I know it's so gross).
5) I neglect my leopard gecko Cornelius for weeks.
6) I haven't read a full scientific article in over a month.
This is really pathetic, I am the worst graduate student ever. Oh well. For now I'll just keep think about getting things done, and maybe soon it will cross over into reality.

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