Friday, March 2, 2007

Snowboarding in 12 hours!

I am leaving today to visit my boyfriend in San Francisco!! We are going snowboarding in Tahoe for a few days. I have new gear (I serendipitously passed an outdoor sporting goods shop that had 25% off their winter clothing! Since I also fit into Large girls sizes, I was able to score some pretty good prices on some Northface stuff.) including a new pink helmet that I am excited about wearing. Now I can carve on the mountain with crazy, reckless abandon. Okay maybe not that reckless, as it is always a little worrisome to get back into things after a whole year of not snowboarding.

Otherwise, everything else is going pretty well. I met privately with one of my thesis committee members (Professor J) to clarify his position on my project, and he had some good suggestions. Even better, he also thinks Dr. Say-whatever-comes-to-my-head-without-processing-it-first went into an unnecessary homily. phew. So Professor J is probably the professor whose opinion I most care about on my committee. We have a long history- I rotated in his lab a long long time ago. He was the ultimate teacher, and he was the best lecturer in Medical School Pharmacology (I'll never forget that tolcapone- a drug for Parkinson's causes explosive diarrhea). Also he is just plain hilarious. He can say things that will make you realize the next day that he completely made a fool out of you. Outside of science, you cannot believe anything he says. He told my boss once that I work better with the threat of a stick instead of the carrot. I could go on about the crazy things he says, but he has really made my life in school here better.

But enough about school already, I am off to the west coast!

1 comment:

cara said...

Have an awesome time! I hope the new jeans are successful :).