Monday, March 19, 2007


I had to give a 20 minute presentation in front of my entire department today. Speaking in front of people is not something I relish, especially when I see people falling asleep (okay, so maybe this is retribution for me falling asleep in other people's talks, but still, okay I guess I can't blame them when the title of my talk is "The mechanisms of metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated AMPAR trafficking". who cares?! To top it off, the two people who gave talks ahead of me, one of them showed fly eye pictures, and the other played a video with humping rats to the tune of "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." I can't compete with sex and anxiety studies in rats, although I do not envy the girl, who has to sit and record the amount of times the male rat mounts the female, and time to ejaculation, etc.)

In any case, I am glad it is over. I have been more looking forward to babysitting this little guy in a couple of hours!!

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