Friday, March 30, 2007

Atrophy of the Analytical

I met with the Russian professor today, (the one that gives me such a hard time in my thesis committee meetings) and he was surprisingly cordial. He helped me derive all these equations for my receptor trafficking studies and it all makes sense now! Okay maybe not, but by putting things in perspective, I have a much better idea of what is going on in my system. It makes me wish that I had figured out all these relationships BEFORE I actually performed my experiments, so I would know which parameters were important.

But anyway, the whole thing makes me realize how much of my physics training has gone done the tubes. Seriously, these are simple equations, and I really should have figured them out myself. On top of that, I am taking a statistics class, and yeah my math has definitely suffered. I feel sad that I can't think analytically anymore. :( And a professor from Wellesley just e-mailed me asking about how my major has affected my post-college career. And while I would like to say that it has enhanced it, I realize that it is a big fat LIE, and my physics professors would be ashamed.

Que triste. Oh well, Knut makes EVERYTHING better.

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